Heiden Hotel

With a warm atmosphere, a place where you can relax while enjoying the views of Lake Constance

Date: 2022

Made by: Nader Interiors

Location: Heiden, Switzerland

Category: Hotels, Custom Catalog

Collections: Silhouette, Tres, Tres Outdoor Stripes, and Rangoli

The newly renovated Wellness Hotel Heiden in Appenzell offers a magnificent view of Lake Constance. The initial idea of ​​the project was to create an environment where guests could relax and unwind in the different rooms of the hotel.

To achieve this, the studio has chosen natural materials, vintage pieces and contemporary furniture in warm tones.

In their spacious living room, they combined our rugs: Silhouette, Tres Perla, Tres Outdoor Stripes Negro and Rangoli, which perfectly complement the room with their delicate tone.